Open When...

These letters are to you, my dear. Open and read when they tell you to, and come back to them whenever you need.

Thank you for being here and reading this first!

This letter is mostly to introduce the concept and explain the rules.

The main rule is simple:


Honestly, that's about it. You can share this page with friends, as I am writing to the general You and not individual You (as much as I wish I could). You're welcome to open as many apply at a time, though I'd only recommend 1 or 2 a week to make it last longer.

Happy Birthday my friend!

Another full lap around the sun is complete, and your number goes up.

I saw someone describe it once as "think of ages as levels, so on birthdays you level up." I think that's a lovely concept, so happy level up day!

Getting older can feel scary sometimes, at least to me, so I think you are very awesome for reaching today and getting through all the not-as-awesome days too.