My Soapbox Stance
Jobs and, by extension, careers, are not made to be stagnant. We, as living beings, are not stagnant, always growing adapting and changing.
It used to be told that what job you started in was what you would be stuck in, to either climb up the ladder by staying put and working hard, or simply to content yourself to be at the bottom.
That may have been the reality in the past, but it hardly is anymore. More companies are hiring higher positions from outside of the company instead of internally.
With that in mind, know that the job you are in now, or will be in later, will not be your Final Choice unless you want it to be. Professional pathways are more akin to journeys, even in many of my current coworkers who are older and more experienced than me.
Even in the past, people have found their own paths outside of what the strict structure of what they were told to be and do. They seem far happier with those choices with the gift of hindsight than what they thought would’ve been the alternative.
To summarize in much plainer terms:
Your job will change. Your career will change. Your feelings about both of those things will change. That is not only ok but completely natural.
Be kind to yourself as you explore your options now and in the future, and know that if things don’t work out how you thought they would, there are ways to change your environment for the better.